Our services

مکس دنتال
Max Dental
24 hour call center
Contact number


The stages of receiving services


1- Searching and Choosing a Service

Search for your desired service or choose from the available services.


2- Reservation and Appointment Registration

In the appointment booking section, select and register your desired appointment.

انجام خدمت

3- Receiving and Performing Service

After searching and registering your reservation, your confirmation will be announced via SMS and you can visit the clinic on the reserved date.

Why Choose Max Dental?

Obsession with the quality of treatment of patients (use of sterile water, patient-specific pack, etc.)

Providing services 7 days a week according to the needs of employees

Financial facilities to pay for services (such as loan facilities)

Using the most up-to-date and complete equipment in the world (photography, 3D scanning, etc.)

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